Sunday, February 24, 2013

Social Media Marketing - Crowdsourcing and New Plan

Crowdsourced Presentation

Link to follow: Developing a Social Media Plan

I find that this presentation tends to agree with everything previously discussed, and think it is a good resource to follow. Just remember that all social media is, first and foremost, a discussion. One that's already in place. Putting your part in is simply joining the existing conversation. Though there are so many forms of social media, its important to concentrate on a few. But keep your ear open for any conversations happening already, and concentrate on the ones that they appear in most often.

Proposed Plan Changes

For proposed changes, I'd like to follow the suggestions made by You Don't Need a Social Media Strategy, especially when it comes to Proposed Content. I think that we need to show which tools we would plan to use in joining the existing conversation, and then how to unify the efforts of all of the available tools, both social and non-social media. After all, one cannot just post a blog and make posts, and expect people to come. You need to join other social networks, and make sure you keep your conversation with your customers casual.

So the changes must be two-fold: You should come up with a plan for at least two different social media sources and include why you think they'd be effective in use, and then develop a plan for how you'll integrate those social medias into either existing or future normal media sources.


Now, I feel that proposing these changes is a wonderful idea. This keeps the assignment fresh as new concepts rise up as social media develops further and further into peoples' lives. Taking suggestions from the students ensures this and keeps a fresh perspective. Now, its important to filter the new ideas, and consider which ones will be effective: not all students will have brilliant ideas that are effective to grade in an academic setting. They might be good for business use, but not necessarily for an academic setting. But it is important, nonetheless, to consider these ideas to ensure your assignment stays fresh.

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